Dream a little dream - life after a cure. To wrap up Diabetes Blog Week, let’s pretend a cure has been found. We are all given a tiny little pill to swallow and *poof* our pancreases are back in working order. No side effects. No more insulin resistance. No more diabetes. Tell us what your life is now like. Or take us through your first day celebrating life without the Big D. Blog about how you imagine you would feel if you no longer were a Person With Diabetes.
It is interesting to think about this concept b/c for someone who was diagnosed as a 3 yr old there are not any memories of life without diabetes. I did not want to say I would eat a ton of sugary food ands drink a lot of regular coke. I felt like that would be the standard response to this question. I actually think I would go to the beach.
For me it has always been the beach where I feel the most uncomfortable. Is my insulin going to get too hot? Is the pump tubing going to get too tangled? Is the pump not going to connect right because there is sand stuck in it? Are people going to stare at my pump and wonder what is wrong with me? These are all things I consider when I go to the beach. Plus it is a constnat battle to figure out how much insulin to give myself if I want to go in the water for a few mins or longer without going too high or too low! I think I would go to the beach. And while I was there I would eat as many chocolate iced cream filled donuts I could find!
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