For this week the diabetes blog community has posted 5 topics for each day. Being Wed I am obviously far behind but I thought Id give it a shot and try it.
For the first post the topic is:
Monday 5/10 - A day in the life . . . with diabetes. Take us through a quick rundown of an average day and all the ways in which diabetes touches it. Blood tests, site changes, high and low blood sugars, meal planning, anything that comes along. This can be a log of an actual day, or a fictional compilation of pieces from many days.
6:02 AM: woke up before the alarm...great. might as well test my blood sugar: 133, not too bad. go back to bed.
6:36 AM: alarm clock goes off, feel like testing blood sugar again: 117. okay good. go eat some cheerios and go over emails and watch the news.
7:10 AM: do some arm exercises in an attempt to have better arms for the wedding while watching the Today show. love that show.
7:57 AM: test blood sugar before leaving for work: 93, pretty good. get in the car for another long drive to work on 495. why do i live in maryland and work in virginia again?
8:45 AM: read some work emails, look at wedding blogs, call a patient.
10:16 AM: blood sugar feels low, check it: 65, grand, drink some white grape juice boxes that are excellent.
11:29 AM: feel sorta sick, wonder if it was something i ate. only had cheerios and juice so far today so cant be that. test blood sugar again: 146, nothing out of the ordinary there. call mike to tell him i dont feel well.
12:30 PM: attempt to eat lunch. and it turns out really well as its the leftover edamame and tomato pasta from the night before. guess i feel fine now.
1:31 PM: test blood sugar: 105
2:48 PM: this day is dragging so much at work, test blood sugar b/c i am bored: 98, eat a mini candy bar, b/c why not its there. dark milky ways arent that bad.
4:17 PM: thank god this day is almost over. feel like sushi for dinner. hopefully i can convince mike to go. blood sugar: 125
5:45 PM: Mike is on board for sushi, decide to walk to place in Bethesda. test blood sugar: 38. WHAT? that cant be right. test again: 56. talk to mike about how it sucks that theres such a difference in numbers b/c monitors are not 100% accurate. drink some orange juice and eat some bread and hummus, b/c its excellent. go to dinner, sushi is amazing. drink some wine b/c its happy hr and we like to splurge.
7:50 PM: test and its 149. not too bad. lay on the couch to watch tv.
8:49 PM: crap, monday night tv is so good, must test again before 24 so i am not interrupted: 179. uh oh going up, sushi is tough to control with blood sugars. give some insulin.
9:55 PM: test at the end of 24: 220. oh god. here we go with the sushi causing blood sugars to be insane. give more insulin.
10:32 PM: test again before bed to be safe: 208, dropping but not fast enough, give .2 units of insulin b/c theres already some in there!
5:45 AM: test again b/c I woke up, 127 back to normal and onto another day!
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