Bret Michaels was on the Today show today to talk about his big win on Celebrity Apprentice last night. Thanks to his efforts he brought in $250,000 for the American Diabetes Association. Bret has been a type one diabetic for most of his life and was recently told that his young daughter is a borderline diabetic. I think it is fantastic that Bret won and brought in all this money for a disease that affects him and potentially his daughter. Many people have said that Donald Trump only picked him to win because of a sympathy vote due to the fact that Bret suffered a brain hemorrhage a few weeks back and recently also discovered he has a hole in his heart. Personally I think he was the ideal winner with or without his personal conditions. No one saw this guy coming. He was almost written off early in the show as being too lazy or not interested enough in what he was doing. Boy did he ever prove them wrong. It was entertaining and wonderful to watch this rocker character win time and time again and bring in a lot of money for diabetes research. Sometimes it isnt always the business like persona that makes it big in the business world. Now if only he would stop calling it di-a-bee-tus and would say diabetes!
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