Thursday 5/13 - To carb or not to carb. Today let’s blog about what we eat. And perhaps what we don’t eat. Some believe a low carb diet is important in diabetes management, while others believe carbs are fine as long as they are counted and bolused for. Which side of the fence do you fall on? What kind of things do you eat for meals and snacks? What foods do you deem bolus-worthy? What other foodie wisdom would you like to share?
I remember one time a few years ago where Annette and I tried to go on the Southbeach diet. This basically involved eating minimal amounts of carbs. This lasted for me for about two days. It just wasnt plausible. And I was starving all the time. I do notice a great change in my blood sugars when I cut back on carbs. They are usually more manageable esp since there will not be any blood sugar spikes later in the game thanks to the carbs. But thats where it ends. I will eat less pizza, eat less pasta, but to give it up completely is just not going to happen. I like these things and life is too short to give it all up. That being said carbs also help to get my blood sugars back up again when they get too low so in that sense they are an essential part of my diet. I think I fall on the side of the fence where I know they might mess up my blood sugars a little bit so I cut back on them, but definitely dont cut them out! I could never live w/out bread!
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