Mike and I got an invitation to a wedding we are going to in July that he is a groomsmen in. Being the ever devoted guest I decided to fill out the RSVP card right away and mail it the next day, even though they know we are coming. I had just tested my blood sugar and went to get a pen and fill out the card. I looked down at the card and noticed a few drops of blood had gotten onto the RSVP card. OH MY GOSH. How morrtifying was this. I cant believe it. Who gets blood on an RSVP card for a wedding. I immediately began to rub it off and used an eraser to try and fix it. I even wrote a small note on the card to cover it up. Solved! Oh but I was wrong. When I looked at the envelope to put the RSVP card into it I realized there were little drops of blood all over it. Far too many to be saved. Really?! Who does that? I called the groom to tell him and he thought it was funny and told me to still send it so I didnt waste the stamp, but this would only happen to a diabetic wedding guest!
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