So Mike and I were talking on Sunday and he mentioned that he was thinking of running the Las Vegas Half Marathon on 12/7/08. Then the conversation turned to how I should do it too. For some crazy reason I think I might actually be able to do it. He was overly supportive and felt that I could do it and should sign up. I, on the otherhand, am not so sure and thus leads to me to today where I have begun to research and talk to other people about this.
When we ran the Susan Komen Breast Cancer 5K on 6/7/08 I did a lot better than I thought I would and finished in 33 mins. Not great, but a good start. Of course that was only 3.2 miles.
The first thing I need to do is ask my doctor what she thinks at my appt. on 7/30/08. I ordered a "distance watch" today to see how far I am actually running as of today. Then I need to keep reading the running training options and decide if I can really do this. It would help me in so many ways; such as being a better diabetic and getting healthier for a 26 year old. Besides the fact that I have been running these past few months and have come to really enjoy the peace and quiet of it all and the feeling of accomplishment when I am done.
August 1st is the tentative deadline in my head that I will have to sign up by. Plus that is 19 weeks from the race day and would give me a lot of time to properly train for this. I told my brother I would never run a marathon in my life, but a half marathon is different and only 13.1 miles. Only. Plus we all know I change my mind at any given second.
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