I have been reading blogs of other people who run that are diabetic. It is interesting to see what they go through. I tried to attach some of them to this page, but I am not sure it is working correctly. I like seeing what other people have to say about me doing this. I asked my Uncle Mike who has been running his whole life and he said he thinks I can do it, but felt that I had to do some type of training for at least 6 days a week to feel comfortable with it. Annette thought I was crazy, but I was impressed she knew that a half marathon was 13.1 miles. My Dad doesnt know yet, he doesnt need to until it is set in stone. My brother laughed at first, but then said he thought it was a good thing if I decide to go through with it. Asking the family what they think helps to have them involved so they keep asking me about it, so I wont have any other choice, but to do it. If I dont go to Vegas for this, I may do the Army 10 mile race instead, but that is on Oct 26th which is even closer. I like having events to look forward to.........
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