There was a post on TuDiabetes today where a woman was talking about how she was told upon her diagnosis that she was not allowed to run any longer. She said she was told she should "decrease" her level of activities. That is all so absurd to me and frustrating. I find that its always other people who have issues with being told they cannot do something. I have never once been told I cannot do anything. Not by a doctor, not by a nurse and certainly not by my family. After being diabetic for 25 years youd think I would have encountered just one person who would tell me that I cannot do something. The only thing I can remember is that I was not supposed to run the mile run in elementary school b/c my blood sugar would go too low after. That was my choice though as an 8 year old who wasnt properly aware of how to balance blood sugar levels. That was a decision made by my family and teachers at the time, though if I had wanted to run it, I surely could have and I believe I did a time or two. Most people look at diabetes as a reason to not do things, not eat things, and not be like everyone else. To me that is an excuse and there is nothing I cannot do besides produce insulin. Personally I feel bad for the first person who tells me I cannot do something, they would get more than a ear full from me.
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