We flew to Gainesville, FL this wknd for my friend Matt's wedding. It was a great trip and I am so glad we could go and we had an awesome time. The wedding was gorgeous and the bride and groom were so happy! That being said I was a little worried about bringing my diabetic supplies on the plane. I have been reading horror stories of people having to show their insulin pumps or take them off and have them examined by security. This was the first time I have flown since 2008 and thought maybe things had gotten more strict.
Well I was wrong. No one said a thing. Nothing. Nada. Zilch. No one questioned the insulin pump, the insulin, the lancets or the spare syringes in my carry on bag.
Now yes I was pleased with this and I hope it is because they have seen this stuff so often they know what it was and not that they just missed it altogether. Lets hope our flights to and from Hawaii in a few months goes off as incredibly well as this trip did!

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