Mike and I ran on the track at Ohio State on Sun. I didnt know how it would go as we hadnt ran at all during the week for the most part. Plus with the wedding events and the drinking I was still skeptical. But we got out there and both did rather well. The track is a one mile loop and I ran the whole 8 miles w/out having to stop at all. Everything felt great too, except for the end when I had to go the bathroom really bad. Which is odd b/c that rarely happens and yet it happened last year when we ran on that same track. Anyway I was happy about how it went.
Then today. I was supposed to run 4-5 miles. And it didnt happen. It is cold here now and my muscles are sore and I am just always tired. I just couldnt go. Plus I hate running in the dark and at 645AM it was still pitch black out there. All these reasons caused me not to go and yet there are all stupid excuses which never bothered me last year. It sucks to do so well one day and then fail the next. We'll see how the rest of the weeks go.
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