Monday, October 26, 2009

Good to be at 10!

Running ten miles on Saturday went pretty good. Thank God for that! It was a little warmer than normal and I it was a nice day to be outside. I think my theory holds true of how it helped to run to the trail and have to only run 8 miles there as opposed to running all 10 there. It is easing me back into where I want to be distance wise on the trail. I think its hard to run to mile marker 7 and then one day go all the way to mile marker 8.5. It helps me to have it happen gradually and this is what I did this wknd. I did get pretty tired toward the end of it all. At mile 9 I saw Matt and I stopped and talked to him for a little bit. Then I finished out the last mile pretty strong. My legs havent hurt too bad but I am a little worried about a pain in my knee that seems to come and go. I am just glad I saw what ten looked like and remembered that I could actually do it.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

legs and stuff

I have noticed recently that my legs have felt and looked rather strong. It is a new thing and quite enjoyable. And thats where it ends. My arms are incredibly weak and after babysitting 5 mos old Ari and 2 year old Benjamin for one night my arms hurt just from holding them. The rest of me isnt anywhere on par with my legs. This affects my running I think in a negative way. I think if I was overally fit then my running would improve. This is another issue that I had wanted to overcome before my 2nd half marathon. And yet now, 23 days, I am not going to be able to change anything now. Last night's 4 miles went rather well, but it was only 4 miles. It was less than 1/3 of the race. This wknd is bringing upon a 10 miler. I need to do well to prove to myself I can even finish the half marathon!!

Today is also Annette's 50th birthday. Big day for her as shes been preparing for months so hope all goes well!

Monday, October 19, 2009

not so good 9

I was reading what I wrote for the last time I ran 9 miles for the Vegas Half Marathon. It was a lot better than this run went. The weather wasnt the greatest, but it was cool which I think always helps. Mike said he'd run with me for the first half of it. So we were supposed to go to mile 8 on the trail and then turn around. Well the first 4 miles were okay and then I just crashed. My legs and arms and lips felt tingly and I just couldnt go any further. I turned around before reaching the mike 8 sign. I ate all the energy jelly beans I had and then attempted to run. It was more a of a run/walk method from there until the end. Not good and not a good way to motivate me as the miles go up in nature. I felt horrible and tired and couldnt wait to just sit down. My blood sugar was 78 at the end which probably means it was even lower when I started to not feel that well. I am going to attempt to run 10 on Saturday. I dont know what the issue is. I just thought Id be a pro at this being the second time around and thats just not the case. Hopefully this improves soon so I can feel confident going into the race!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

8 and then nothing

Mike and I ran on the track at Ohio State on Sun. I didnt know how it would go as we hadnt ran at all during the week for the most part. Plus with the wedding events and the drinking I was still skeptical. But we got out there and both did rather well. The track is a one mile loop and I ran the whole 8 miles w/out having to stop at all. Everything felt great too, except for the end when I had to go the bathroom really bad. Which is odd b/c that rarely happens and yet it happened last year when we ran on that same track. Anyway I was happy about how it went.

Then today. I was supposed to run 4-5 miles. And it didnt happen. It is cold here now and my muscles are sore and I am just always tired. I just couldnt go. Plus I hate running in the dark and at 645AM it was still pitch black out there. All these reasons caused me not to go and yet there are all stupid excuses which never bothered me last year. It sucks to do so well one day and then fail the next. We'll see how the rest of the weeks go.

Monday, October 5, 2009

7 on C&O

Running has been going a lot better lately. Mike "re-designed" my training plan and it has made a world of difference. On Saturday we ran on the C&O Canal Trail which was gorgeous. A lot more bugs, I saw a creep gray snake, and it was humid, but there was a lot to look at. There were turtles everywhere and the views were very pretty. Next time we'll bring a camera. The beginning was a little rocky but it picked up and the last 5 miles went rather well. I have finally ran more than half way for the 13.1 mile race in Nov! If this keeps up I can continue to feel optimistic. This week will have us running in Columbus so hopefully we can stick to our plan and not get too distracted by everything else we have going on there this wknd!