It always amazes me when people say things to me like "oh I would give you this cookie, but I know you cant eat it." Over the years this has happened occassionally and the first thought that always comes to my mind is that the person saying that is clueless. The funny thing is that growing up I never ate that sort of food. Regular Pop was a foreign concept and it was something I was not "allowed" to have. As times changed, and as I got an insulin pump, my understaning of what I was allowed to have changed too. I guess I always thought that if my understanding changed, so should everyone elses. I dont drink regular pop and I rarely eat sweets, but not because I can't, because I dont have an interest in them. Eating and drinking that sort of stuff is not good for anyone so I should not eat it anyway, diabetic or not. I just wish sometimes that people would understand with an insulin pump and proper diet and exercise you can eat the occassional cookie.
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