Ughh...this is going to be an interesting experience. I was to run 11 miles yesterday. When it was all said and done I probably ran 3 and walked 3. Not good when you have a half marathon in 5 days. Not good when the furthest you have ran to prepare for this race is 10 miles and that was 2 weeks ago. This race was supposed to be the race to trump the others and now it is becoming the race to see if I can survive. To say that I am dreading it would be an understatement. But there are people coming to watch and to back out now isnt really an option. If I can beat my Vegas time I would take that. I really have no clue how this is going to work. I have never not finished a race, I have never had to walk during a race, but this one could change it all. I keep thinking of a blog that Mark Remy had written for Runners World that said every good runner will experience a DNF (did not finish) in their lifetime and said that he had a few of them. Maybe Ill surprise myself and do well and then again maybe I wont.....At least Ill have some things to look at to entertain myself...
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