This race went above and beyond how I thought it would go. Results were:
1:54:37-clock time
1:42:31-chip time
If I finished the Vegas 13.1 mile race in 2:25 that puts me at about an 11 minute mile. So if that is the case I would have run 10 miles in about 110 mins or a 1:50 time. Knocking off about 8 mins from my overall time and 45 seconds from my pace is fabulous for me and I cant believe I did it for this. I had felt under prepared and that finishing at all would be a miracle. For some reason I felt like I was running well the whole time, never had to stop, and never felt like I was out of breath. At the end I was able to sprint by some people and make it to the finish line feeling good. I was so glad Mike was there to watch me as well b/c I think it gave me motivation to keep running until I saw him again and I look forward to seeing him at the end. There was a lady who told me she was using me to help pace herself so she would walk for 5 mins and then run to catch up with me and then walk again. It was rather odd at times but I felt she did help me to want to run faster to lose her! ha! I dont know if I would do this race again as it was very crowded at times and I felt I didnt get to enjoy the cherry blossoms as much as I had wanted to b/c of this. Overall though it gave me some much needed encouragement to do another one soon and as soon as I finish writing this I will be looking for the next race. Here are a few pics that Mike took at the race. On to the next one.....
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