I find the DC weather is a huge annoyance in my plans to start running again. It gets too icy around here to make running an option. I feel that if I was in a suburban area I could run though the snow or run on trails or something, but DC doesn't allow that as an option. I have to run on the streets and pavement and that usually means ice. I was supposed to run on Wed and didn't, then today and didn't and who knows what will happen tomorrow. I also don't like running in the cold b/c it makes my lungs feel heavy! I am finding the older I get the less and less I enjoy snow. It is pretty at times, but snowing for one week out of the year would be fine with me. This is interesting considering in high school I considered winter my favorite time of the year. It is also entertaining that Pres Obama said DC doesnt have the toughness to handle the weather like Chicago does. This is so true and if DC did more to take care of the roads it probably wouldnt be such an issue.
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