Made it ten miles on Sunday in less than two hours. The run went a lot better than I was anticipating, but as soon as I hit my finishing point it started to hurt. Everything from my waist down has been in some type of pain. It isnt as bad to deal with though when I keep thinking about the fact that I actually made ten miles w/out having to walk at all. Mike said it is a big deal b/c I can now run in double digit number which is another good point. Everyone keeps saying if I can run ten then I can run 13.1. I dont totally agree with that yet though. Ten felt like the perfect number yesterday and adding 3 to that seems close to impossible. Especially when you add on the fact that we will be in Las Vegas where it may get too easy to become distracted from the running task at hand. Speaking of Vegas, Mike got us Ka tix to see it that first night we arrive there on Dec 5th. I have waited a year to see this since last years debacle so this is rather exciting. Plus, we got a huge discount on the tix from the race. I also signed up for the Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving in Erie this year. I have never done this before and I feel that it will be a good thing to do on the morning of that day anyway. I do think it would be more fun to run it with someone else though, but no one in my family will do it and I dont know if I can convince any of my friends to run a 10K with me that day. We shall see...

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