So I have been reading all over the blogs of diabetics that today is World Diabetes Day. This means that today is the day people are to educate others on diabetes. It probably should mean that I dont have to work today, but alas I am still working. I got my labwork back from my doctor's appt last week and my doctor wrote that everything was "excellent." My A1c continues to be at a 6, which is awesome considering I was convinved it was going to go up. The lower the better and my goal is for a 5.
The running continues to help this and my cholesterol, although not ever high to begin with, continues to drop. It is always best for a diabetic to have the lowest cholesterol possible. My blood sugars have been awesome, until today when I went runnig. Before I found the power gels didnt affect me so much, but now they seem to make my blood sugar go up. I am going to attemtp to run 11 miles on Sunday and bring along my glucose monitor. Mike noticed that I can wear the little bag it came in on my shorts so hopefully that works out.