Hit 7 miles on Saturday in 73 mins. Mike ran with me for the first 4 miles and then I ran the last 3 alone. Mile 4 to 5 was the worst mostly b/c the end seemed so far away, but once you hit 6 and realize you have only 1 mile left to go it doesn't seem so bad. I have never run 7 miles in my life before so it felt like a big victory in all this running. Mike Erin and I went on a bike ride yesterday for about 20 miles. We rode to their kickball game by the Washington Monument and the first half of it went pretty good. It was a nice day and it was fun to get out there and ride down instead of driving. After the game though we decided to ride back again. Not so easy the second time around. It felt worse riding the bike than it has ever felt running which was hard to comprehend. I felt if I could run 7 than I can definitely bike 20. Next time I get on a bike I will need to be more prepared. But 7 is still pretty good for me!
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