It is hard being a diabetic and wanting to bake something. It does not matter what it is, but everytime I even begin to think about baking I am hit with a pang of guilt over if I should be eating that sort of food or not. I enjoy the show Cake Boss and often wonder how hard it really is to make something similar to what is seen on that show. Recently I had more and more friends putting pictures up on Facebook of some fantastic fondant cake they had made. So I started thinking about if I could make some sort of creation using fondant on a cake that is similar to what is seen on TV.
Once again though I had to stop and think about the consequences of baking, because if it is made it has to be eaten. And did I really need to have an unnecessary cake lying around to mess up my blood sugars and give me unnecessary calories?
The answer was yes and I am glad I did it because after spending a few hours putting this cake together I realized that first of all fondant does not taste that good and second of all it was way too tiring and time consuming than I want to ever spend making a cake again for just a random Thursday!