A Diabetes Meme.
What type of diabetes do you have: Type 1
When were you diagnosed: 1985, that's 25 years and going!
What's your current blood sugar: 117
What kind of meter do you use: One Touch Ultralink
How many times a day do you test your blood sugar: A lot, maybe 10-12
What's a "high" number for you: Something over 160 probably
What's do you consider "low": Under 75
What's your favorite low blood sugar reaction treater: I don't know about favorite, but the most reliable are juice boxes and orange juice.
Describe your dream endo: Easy to get on the phone! Fills prescriptions within minutes!
What's your biggest diabetes achievement: A1C's rather consistent in the 5's and running a half marathon.
What's your biggest diabetes-related fear: Losing a limb
Who's on your support team: Mike and my Dad
Do you think there will be a cure in your lifetime: I cant go there, b/c it seems that even if there was a cure the line to get it would be too long to dream about.
What is a "cure" to you: Anything, either an artificial pancreas or new pancreas that keeps my blood sugars stable all day long without any intervention from me!
The most annoying thing people say to you about your diabetes is: Wow, you are so skinny, how did you get diabetes? UGH....
What is the most common misconception about diabetes: That all diabetics get complications.
If you could say one thing to your pancreas, what would it be: What happened?