I felt that I wanted to blog my choices for bridesmaids dresses b/c it is getting overhwelming and I want a place where I can see all the options!
This is the first dress that Nicole sent me that I loved. Nicole found out it was style number 5009 and cost 228 dollars. Pretty good! Not sure if that fabric would be flattering on everyone though...

Then I saw this one on a blog site and loved it too. It is from BC/BG but I do think it might be too tight of a dress for some people to feel comfortable plus I cant find it online anymore.

Then there was this one that I fell in love with. I liked the white lace with the merlot color under it. It seemed perfect. Only cost 183 dollars. Then I went to a retail store and they said it was an "old dress" and Id have trouble finding a store that still had it. Fine. Then I looked at it close up and I am not sure I like the daisy like flowers on it or not! But the Merlot fabric piece I ordered came in the mail and I still really liked that color!

Then Leslie found this one and it is relatively cheap at only about 150 dollars. She suggested a fuschia color which was pretty, though I cant find a pic to download! But I still liked the idea before of having two colors or patterns or textures on the dresses. But this is simple too!

Then there was this one another Nicole found at Nordstroms. I have seen this dress in the store before and it didnt look as cool in person but I like the idea of texture again!

Nicole found this dress at Nordstroms which is great. Plus I could put the same flower from my dress on each of the bridesmaid dresses. Still not sure plus I dont like how this dress doesnt come in sizes below an 8 and I would worry that they would run out of dresses before everyone could get one even if we found it at another place.

Nicole also found this Vera Wang dress which I also like. The color is great and its super girly looking and I think it would look good on all the girls. I dont know about getting a dress online though when people cannot try it on and we wont see it before hand. We shall see.

And I found this one that I like a lot. Nicole thinks it would look the best with my dress as they are both "airy" and girly. It does come in rose and silver too!